Laser Dentistry
General, Cosmetic, and Restorative Care
Latest Techniques
Innovative Tech
Certified Experts
Lasers & your Dental Health Professional
Lasers have been used in medicine for many years, most notably for eye surgeries. Lasers use light – in an energy form – that can be harnessed and used to treat many situations.
In dentistry, Laser technology was introduced to dental practice in 1960.
Lasers are selective – one laser is not capable of treating everything.

Laser Dentistry
When there isn’t enough tooth structure to rest the crown on or enough space to fit the new crown in, traditionally most dental practices would refer you to a specialist for a crown lengthening procedure.
This can result in halting your current procedure at the dental office, temporizing your dental situation in order to make a referral to a specialist. Then one has to wait for a consultation appointment with the specialist, after that obtain a treatment appointment with the specialist followed by post-operative appointments to check the results. When the specialist is satisfied, then you can return to the dental office to resume the initial procedure.
Having lasers here at the dental office enables Dr. Pang to accommodate your situation into your appointment.